
List of BPLIM created tools to be used with available datasets
Softwaresort descending Name Description Version Applicability
Stata mergebbs Creates linking ids for financial institutions in the Bank Balance Sheet Database (BBS) for the purpose of merging with the Central Credit Responsibility Database (CRC) 2020-09-07 CRC_FRMBNK
Stata mergecrc Creates linking ids for financial institutions in Central Credit Register (CRC) for the purpose of merging with Bank Balance Sheet (BBS) 2020-09-07 CRC_FRMBNK
Stata coconuts Creates Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS) variables for Portuguese municipalities 2021-11-05 General
Stata metaxl Provides a set of tools to help users handle metadata. Almost every subcommand of this package uses an Excel file to store or retrieve metadata. 2024-05-21 General
Stata bpencode Allows users to encode a variable using other variable or an Excel file. Unlike encode, it's possible to use this command with a numeric variable in order to label its values. 2022-05-02 General
Stata adocompare Compares versions of ados found in two paths/files. The command produces an Excel report detailing the differences in ados and its versions in the input paths/files. 2022-12-06 General
Stata adoversion Generates a report about ado files currently available to the user and their version. The command searches for ados in the paths returned by adopath, in the order that they appear, producing a text report for each of the paths. 2022-12-06 General
Stata validarloc Verifies if the administrative codes are valid and allows to get different types of aggregations for valid codes according to a specific reference date 2024-03-01 General
Stata linkbank Creates linking ids for financial institutions in Central Credit Register (CRC) for the purpose of merging with Bank Balance Sheet (BBS) or Historical Series of the Portuguese Banking Sector (SLB) 2023-08-01 CRC_FRMBNK
Stata panelstat Provides a detailed characterization of a panel data set 2022-04-07 General


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