
List of BPLIM created tools to be used with available datasets
Softwaresort descending Name Description Version Applicability
Stata validarloc Verifies if the administrative codes are valid and allows to get different types of aggregations for valid codes according to a specific reference date 2024-03-01 General
Stata linkbank Creates linking ids for financial institutions in Central Credit Register (CRC) for the purpose of merging with Bank Balance Sheet (BBS) or Historical Series of the Portuguese Banking Sector (SLB) 2023-08-01 CRC_FRMBNK
Stata panelstat Provides a detailed characterization of a panel data set 2022-04-07 General
Stata cbhp_addindic Computes a set of indicators available in the Harmonized Panel of Central Balance Sheet Database 2019-10-30 CBHP
Stata aggregate Calculates aggregates by period (year or quarter) for the CRC datasets 2020-01-14 CRC_FRM, CRC_FRMBNK
Stata default Computes default event 2019-10-30 CRC_FRM, CRC_FRMBNK
Stata relationspell Computes relationship spells 2019-10-30 CRC_FRMBNK
Stata checkmd Verifies logical conditions provided by a structured csv file, exporting the results to an html file 2022-04-07 General
Stata validarcae Validates the Portuguese Classification of Economic Activities (CAE) codes 2023-02-23 General
Stata validarnif Validates the tax identification number (nipc/nif) 2021-10-29 General


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